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excellent place for you to add a paragraph. Web Services
This is the web hosting side of and We have been offering low-cost webhosting and other services since 2000. At least Web Services offers low-cost hosting packages for Renaissance festival related sites. We have hosted sites for numerous Renaissance festivals, merchants and performers, though these days most folks just seem to have an Instagram or Facebook page. By hosting a website here, you get full services (including real e-mail to your domain instead of a non-professional free Gmail or similar address). All sites hosted here get linked from AtTheFaire or DisneyFans as appropriate, and usually get indexed by Google within 48 hours. It is a great way to get a higher profile Renfest related site.
We can also set up a Wordpress site for you to maintain yourself, if you prefer. Hosting can be as little as a few dollars a month.
Payments are accepted via Credit Cards, PayPal or checks made out to "".